Where few people get to go...the top of the flag tower on the Smithsonians Castle.
The view from the flag tower
Mom and Ali both have red hair. Each one of us boys have blond to dirty blond hair. All growning up I thought I was free of red hair until I began to get facial hair...and noticed that my facial hair had a redish, orange, blond tint making it very difficult to grow any kind of respectable facial hair! This my attempt of a handle bar mustache and I was lucky to get the light just right for anyone to be able to see it in the photo.
Kayaking in the potomac with Georgetown in the background! I was just trying to keep up with mom and dad with there kayaking adventures.
You have really gone where few get to go. I hope you appreciate this great experience that you should cherish and capitalize on. What a great institution to have worked in. Sounds like you did a good job. AND you didn't let you studies interfere with your education...you got out and saw the sights
vacation's over. now back to real life. sign me up for that internship! glad you were able to kill two birds with one stone - work & play.
and please don't grow mustaches. eeewwww....too chester molester for me.
time for a new update!!! about Provo now!
What fun. I applied for the DC program when I was at the Y and got REJECTED and was I disappointed. I will live it through you instead.
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